Social Studies » Social Studies

Social Studies

 The Social Studies department at South Valley Academy consists of these core classes: New Mexico History, U.S. History, World History, U.S. Government and Economics.  Each class is designed to help students critically think about and explore how they fit into and affect the world in which they live.  As a result of their studies, students will be able to analyze significant patterns, relationships, themes, beliefs, and turning points throughout history, government and economics – ultimately leading to a better understanding of the human experience.
Social Studies Faculty
  • 6th Grade Ancient World History: Madeline Nielsen
  • 7th Grade New Mexico History: Tristan Cervantes
  • 8th Grade U.S. History: Zach Usadi-Henrickson
  • 9th Grade New Mexico History: Max Warsaw
  • 10th Grade World History: Laurie Hall
  • 11th Grade U.S. History: Taylor Long
  • 12th Grade Government and Economics: Stewart Paley