The mission of the Science Department is “to develop a science-literate student body which includes developing specific skills, generating an understanding of key science concepts, building a content-knowledge base of specific, fundamental science topics and to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills.”
The skill categories focused on in all science classes include Math and Measurement, Tables and Graphs, Experiment, Communication, and Application of Knowledge/Critical Thinking. Students are encouraged to take college level courses at CNM and UNM as concurrent enrollment during their senior year.
Science Department Faculty
- Integrated Science 6: Frank Flores
- Integrated Science 7: Sharlene Fernandez
- Integrated Science 8: Gladines Harris
- Integrated Science 9 and Cloud Computing: Dr. Manuel Jimenez
- Integrated Science 10 and AP Chemistry: Ramon Asiain
- Integrated Science 11 and AP Biology: Alvin Suazo