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2024-2025 SVA Lottery Application

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2024-2025 South Valley Academy Lottery Application

Solicitud de lotería de la South Valley Academy 2024-2025

All applications must be submitted by 5:00 pm Friday, March 1, 2024.

Any late applications will be added to the end of the appropriate waiting list.

Todas las solicitudes deben enviarse antes de las 5:00 p. m. del viernes 1 de marzo de 2024.
Cualquier solicitud tardía se agregará al final de la lista de espera correspondiente.

About South Valley Academy: Before You Apply


South Valley Academy is a free and public charter school, available to all through our lottery process. What makes our school different is that it is a school of choice; meaning that all of our families have chosen to send their students to SVA instead of one of the larger and more traditional APS schools. Our school does offer many after-school programs and activities that contribute to the mission and vision of South Valley Academy. These support academics, social justice, service learning, and a pathway to college. Middle and high school athletics are offered through the Albuquerque Charter School League.


Our smaller size, flexibility in curriculum, and responsive policies allow us to provide a higher standard of community, learning, and a rich, multi-faceted educational experience for our students. SVA’s main focus is on academics for success in college and post-secondary pursuits.


Excellence, Community, Service, Transformation

South Valley Academy’s main focus is excellence in academics, while establishing meaningful relationships in our community. Our students will learn the value of serving their community through Service Learning while transforming themselves and those around them into well-rounded individuals. SVA’s vision is to “prepare young people to become independent, lifelong learners who are ready for college, career, and civic engagement.”

Our commitment to you


We are committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all students to learn and grow. South Valley Academy is an inclusive school, where our students and families will have a strong voice and be actively involved in their education. Our graduates will be equipped to lead a life of meaningful contribution after they leave South Valley Academy, whether their pursuits take them to college or into the workforce.


Your commitment to us

Our school will ask students to broaden their educational horizons with college as an aspiration after graduation; be academically engaged and ready to work each day, and to become a positive influence on those around them. SVA will be academically rigorous, and students should expect homework each night. 


It is up to each student to practice SVA’s Three Ts on a daily basis making sure to take care of yourself, take care of others, and take care of this place. To that end, our students should understand that it is a choice and a privilege to attend South Valley Academy, and that if they do not uphold the above expectations (both academic and non-academic) that they will be responsible for their actions.


Commitment to Enroll if Selected


By submitting a lottery application, parents/guardians commit to enrolling their student(s) at South Valley Academy in 2024-2025 if selected during the lottery process. Prior to registration, attendance of introductory events will be mandatory in order to retain a registration spot.

I have read and understand the above introduction to South Valley Academy*
Answer Required

Welcome! ¡Bienvenidos!

Thank you for your interest in South Valley Academy. Admission to our school is determined by random electronic lottery. Students will be enrolled by the order in which their names are drawn, based on the number of open spaces. After the lottery, our staff will notify you, by mail, of your child’s status. Students who are not accepted following the lottery are automatically placed on a waiting list for their grade, with newly opened spaces awarded in continuing lottery draw order.

Gracias por su interés en South Valley Academy. La admisión a nuestra escuela es determinada por lotería electrónica. Los estudiantes serán inscritos por el orden en que son escogidos sus nombres, basado en el número de espacios abiertos. Después de la lotería, nuestro personal le notificará, por correo, de la posición de su hijo/a. Los estudiantes que no son aceptados después de la lotería serán puestos automáticamente en una lista de espera para su grado, adjudicaremos los espacios que se vayan haciendo continuando la orden en que fueron escogidos los nombres en la lotería.

Lottery Exemptions and Sibling Enrollment Policy

  • SVA Employee Lottery Exemption: Children of current SVA employees are exempt from the lottery process and will be enrolled automatically. (subject to available space in the applicable grade level)

  • Sibling Enrollment Policy: If space permits, siblings (brothers and sisters) of current students are automatically accepted but must have a current application on file by the deadline. For enrollment purposes, cousins are not considered siblings.

  • Exepción de lotería para empleados de SVA: Los hijos de empleados actuales de SVA están exentos del proceso de lotería y se inscribirán automáticamente. (sujeto al espacio disponible en el nivel de grado aplicable)

  • Póliza de Inscripción de Hermanos: Hermano (hermanos y hermanas) de estudiantes actuales serán automáticamente aceptados si el espacio permite, pero deben tener una aplicación actual en el archivo antes de la fecha límite. Por razones de inscribirían, primos no serán considerados como hermanos.

Enrollment Policy / Póliza de Inscripción:

  • Rising SVA 8th Grade students will be automatically enrolled as 9th grade students. Spaces in all High School grades will be extremely limited.

  • Los estudiantes de SVA del 8.° grado que pasen al siguiente grado se inscribirán automáticamente como estudiantes de 9.° grado. Los espacios en todos los grados de la escuela preparatoria serán extremadamente limitados.

  • SVA will enroll approximately 95 new 6th Grade students for the 2024-2025 school year. As with the High School, upper grades will be filled as our rising students advance. Spaces for grades 7 and 8 will be extremely limited.

  • SVA inscribirá aproximadamente a 95 nuevos estudiantes de sexto grado para el año escolar 2024-2025. Al igual que con la escuela preparatoria, los grados superiores se llenarán a medida que avancen nuestros estudiantes en ascenso. Los espacios para los grados 7 y 8 serán extremadamente limitados.

  • A student who is currently on a 2023-2024 waiting list must have a current application on file by the deadline (March 1, 2024) in order to retain their place.

  • Estudiantes que están actualmente en la lista de espera del 2023-2024 tienen que tener una aplicación actual en el archivo antes de la fecha límite (1 de marzo 2024) para poder retener su espacio en la lista de espera.
2023-2024 Grade Level (current grade) / ¿Cual sera su nivel de grado? 2023-2024
Answer Required
2024-2025 Grade Level (grade level you are applying for) / ¿Cuál es tu nivel de grado el próximo año? 2024-2025
Answer Required
Gender / Sexo*
Answer Required
State / Estado*
Answer Required
Do you have a student currently enrolled at SVA? / ¿Tiene un estudiante actualmente inscrito en SVA?*
Answer Required
Are you an SVA employee? / ¿Es usted un empleado de SVA?*
Answer Required
Did you apply to SVA for the 2023-2024 school year? / ¿Envió una solicitud para el año escolar 2023-2024?*
Answer Required